Thursday, January 29, 2009

or what?

Went down to Woolies and got mince, fritz or devon as they call it here in New South if I was in Essay still I coulda gone a Frog Cake havta watch out for Stobie Poles down there but and it’s thowsand kays so na leave the Frog Cakes ‘sides is a bit of a cooker the roos are sweating and the gums are droopin but
Nextdoorbutone his dog is sat on the back of his ute aliceis sat there, is ok ‘e likes it ya woulda thawt e’d be undaneef but na sat in the sun jus’ goes ta prove the old sayin’ mad dogs an pommies huh but
Ya know a should get the victor out and do that lawn is full a bindies anyway but still some grass not so green now but

Dang it I can’t do it any more aren’t you lucky, lucky I don’t type like that all the time and end my sentences in the word “but” is a South Australian thing that is got thrown off one site when I was first online for doing that *doh* it’s but (one T) not butt
So ya need a translation for that top bit or what but?
hehehe I'm gunna be mean and make you go Google em

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