Friday, September 28, 2007

well do they?

Josie had an interesting post just recently talking about your other half reading your blog, I know mine doesn't even though he's sat right next to me at his own computer most of the time he doesn't read mine .
Sometimes I'll talk it over with him about what I'm going to write but mainly no I write when he's not even in the room, if he does read he doesn't comment but tells me, well we are in the same house it would be silly for him to sit and type to me now wouldn't it.
I know he doesn't read and honestly I don't want him too be reading everything I write, I don't stand over his shoulder and look at what he's writing to others ok well sometimes but not all the time, if you ever get in IM with both of us at the same time you may get confused as we answer each other which is freaky to some people they don't realise how close we sit, so sometimes you get both of us but as for him reading my blogs no he doesn't and of course my X doesn't he doesn't even know how to turn a computer on never mind know what a blog is.


Suz said...

Mine knows pretty much what I write because most of the time I tell him. He knows I write about him a lot and he doesn't care. In fact he has started saying you should blog this. lol I have to tell him about 360 because his daughter reads and I wouldn't want her saying something to him that I had written and he didn't know about. She is so nosey! She's not speaking to me right now and is devious.

McPuffin said...

Mine reads my Y360° blogs which is only natural as we're both on there. I also ask him to read because I don't want any stupid, grammatical mistake to be hanging out there in public for a certain person to correct.

The one he doesn't read unless I tell him to do so. He knows that it exists tough..

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