Monday, February 5, 2007

more personal

Right got feeds set up on missysshorts and a picture, this southpark one too be precise thats why it's on here twice this is my main avatar for Blogger
It's allmost too hot too do anything at the moment
Oh thats a bit better turned the fan around so it's blowing more on me than on the computer monitor, normally I hate the fan on me but not at the moment.
You know I suffer from constantusinteruptus hence the name of this blog Miss Interupted I know its bloody hot in here in the dining room the lounge room is hotter though, it gets all the sun "Australia the closest you can get too hell without being there - Lost " and the computer room has aircon but I can't write can't think when I'm being constantly interupted
So I'm in here in the hot and steamy dining room (the steam is from me btw) and I don't care either, yuk the mouse mat is wet ewww.. my sweaty arm sorry can't help it
I've got the money set aside for the computer parts that I need to get the comp back up but you know if it's up and running I'll have too go back in the computer room then
oh flip its hot in here though
You know when you take your bra off because it's soo hot that you can't stand it any more and then you get .... well shall we say extra hot I don't know if anyone else has that problem but I know I sure do
Think I need a cold shower ... like ummm now
damn I need a woman .. whoops did I say that .. no I didn't pretend you didn't see that ok
anyway I am going for that shower now

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