Sunday, February 18, 2007

allmost forgot my password

That was lucky allmost forgot my Blogger password I am such a numbnuts sometimes its the same as my Yahoo one derrrrr
Anyway back in the computer room I am .. I am
The frankenstien machine is well working I've done something to the fonts, shouldn't have so many I spose (got over a 1000 fonts) I was sorting them out and now well most of the normal windows fonts have disapeared they are still there just not showing up no idea what I've done, went to use Word and instead of the normal fonts like comic sans and veranda all I had was times, georgia and a few wingdings and some of the "fat" fonts in the "fat" fonts folder that I've made today the rest just arent showing up lucky I didn't replace times new roman with some strange unreadable wingding or I wouldn't have a clue what I was typing I'll have to fix all my fonts up now grr

I was going to set Baby comp back up in the dining room so I can write but our 17 inch spare monitor is on loan to someone else and the 15inch is not the best monitor, it doesn't turn off for a start you have to turn off the power at the wall so again I'm stuck in here constantly interupted oh well
Have to go and work on my pesky fonts again so yeah can't write and can't do anything till I fix those or get rid of the pest.. total pain in the butt

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