Watching the English soccer today there was a white and blue team and a red team, the reds had some guy called Ronaldino playing for them the red team won and then the Australian soccer came on
Now as you can tell I know nothing about any game that has guys playing with balls but I could tell the difference between the English soccer and Australian soccer, for one there weren’t any police sitting around the edges of the field on the Australian soccer there wasn’t as many spectators in the crowd and they weren’t making as much noise the actual cameras where further away from the players on the telecast of the Australian soccer which made them look very small and puny.
The main difference I saw was the players didn’t move as fast and even though the camera was further away they actually where smaller than the English players skinny puny guys the Australian soccer players are when the cameras zoomed in close they looked pale skinny and white and just didn’t have the same looks on their faces as the English soccer players did almost like they didn’t even want to be there
I noticed it and I know nothing about he game.
Actually I do know who was playing, the red ones are Manchester United and the blue/white are
Not many goals are scored in soccer except recently when Portsmouth and Reading scored 7 to 4 personally I think both of those teams need new goalies.
Normally a 0 in soccer is called nil, one team can beat another 1- nil. A soccer match is 90 minutes plus what’s called time on sometimes maybe 5- 10 extra minutes depending on how many times a player is rolling in pain from leg cramps the better acting the more they get paid.
Soccer is shall we say a “posh” game very civilized, the players tend not to have blood steaming from their heads like they do in rugby. The crowds tend to get more injuries than the players do
Any way that’s my take on soccer