Friday, May 1, 2009

You Americans are so touchy sometimes

Listen I don't hate you , it's just fun to bag you out, ok you don't know what that word means do you
To "bag out" means make fun of
Like this ...
Americans can't spell it's coloUr and favoUrites you loose the U out of your alphabet or something?

And when exactly are you going to catch up with the rest of the world ?
You are a day behind most of the time and are still on Imperial measurements, what are you still a colony, we were too you know a colony of Britain but went metric 40 plus years ago about slow

As for being big headed it's a joke isn't it that every one in the world should look to the US for troops we have our own thank you very much, don't need looking after, yes some countries are helping you out well that's as you see it anyway they aren't you know the troops from other countries are in Afghanistan for their own reasons not for you. America is rich enough to help itself
Well ok maybe it can't you fixed up where Hurricane Katrina blew down all those houses yet, built new schools and the like fixed that yet?

Don't be asking for help from any other country for that lot either we have our own places to fix up you know.. our troops are kinda busy in East Timor, Solomon Islands and Sudan
Yes I know yours are as well and I know someone will argue but hey that is what a lot of you Americans do you argue it doesn't matter what it is you "think" you are the best at everything

Oh and shut up about your 911's and your president already, we've heard it we know we don't care.
Do you know who the Prime Minister of Australia or England is?
You don't do you, you're so inward focused that you don't even know what goes on in other countries
Did you know Australia was bombed in WW2 ? (Oh I spose I should Google that for you shouldn't I)
Here you go take a look
You didn't did you that's because we don't go on and on and on about things we say it and that's it.

I could say something about guns as well but hey, you've got those we haven't we don't need them we use nails instead

As for American TV shows the ones with the laugh track, you know why those are there don't you
So everyone knows where to laugh WHY because shows like Seinfeld are NOT funny that's why they have a laugh track and a sign that says for the live audience "laugh here" because a lot of Americans don't have any sense of hUmoUr you just can not see a joke when one is pushed into your face
Yes you can be funny...funny to laugh AT

I know one of you is going to go "blah blah waaa" I know you will what you don't think I've talked to non humorous, stubborn, narrow minded and slow Americans before

Missy Angel
(humour has U's in it)


LD said...

bag out = bag on

we lost the U because we're all about efficiency

we're on Imperial measurements because no one tells us what to do

did you know that America is, among other places, fixing up my dad's childhood village in rural Jamaica?

how can you be in sudan when there's genocide going on - shouldn't you be preventing that?

we won't fix up from Katrina because we let market forces do that - the same ones that have made us so prosperous over the last 30 years ... oh wait ...

i know the prime minister of england is gordon brown and of australia is andrew symonds.

if you don't think seinfeld is funny, you have a problem with yourself.

truth is we are not rich - we are working on credit and if china pulls the rug out on us we're screwed. We're the next Russia. At that point, i'd love to see who will prevent the next terror attack. France? they can't even kill pirates.

we're all in this together.

and humor does have a u!

Missy A said...

You DO?? I think You'd better use Google to look up who the Prime ministers are hunn

I KNEW someone would comment just like this ...I KNEW it

Guess who the JOKE is on's on U

Alison W. said...

Seinfeld does suck. lol

LD said...

oh i do beg to differ - the joke is most certainly on you. well, it would have been on me had I had said Shane Warne instead of Symonds - I think he's South African, no?

Otherwise would have gone with Steve Elkington, mate.


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