Thursday, August 9, 2007

Fcebook= Kids= ?? you guess

I joined Facebook because of the fact that everyone was raving about it, it's got this it's got that, you can have mobile blogging on it its great!
Well its not great, there's no colour for one and all you do is add and remove applications honestly that is all you do, of course when you add these applications these so called "fun items" there are a few boxes to check one is 'I allow this application to grab my details' you cannot add them without doing so.
Of course this gives the application access to YOUR details and then ...the spam starts hitting.
Facebook hijacks your address book and sends invites to everyone if you aren't carefull
Facebook mail box gets full of 'sent to all' mail which you cannot turn off, the Thread mail being the worst culprit.
Facebook applications give you unwanted spammy type emails from the applications that you add
And the number one thing about Facebook that I do not like its designed for children, its aimed at children 12- 18 so you know where the pedophiles are going to go ? You guessed it Facebook
A site thats designed for kids a site that sends out invites to everyone a site that grabs all of your details you may as well put up a sign saying
here pedo, pedo come here juicy ones for the picking

Ok so there are pedophiles everywhere not just one Face book
Maybe this add will show what I can't
you never know who you are talking too
Virtual Global Taskforce Video


Barb said...

Good observation and the tubi is perfect. Facebook was origionally just in Universities and now it is mainstream. One must be pretty computer smart to see all the pitfalls built into this one

Ms. Puffin said...

I cancelled my FB account. It just wasn't for me...couldn't see the point. At least not at this stage.

Oh, I moved my on name.

formerly known as Webby *LOL*

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