i talk on sizes ...June 25, 2007
somwon ask me how big i am, i not know how big i am i dog i not know about this size thing
all dog same size all dog got 4 leggs an fur an big fierce teefs efen if dey in a jar like Frostys
all dogs same size no little dog or big dog you still all dog
you want pack an food a place to sleep place too run and somethin to chase efen if it in yor dream
i not know size i try to sit on persons lap her lap shrink that wot i recon
i not haf much of tail but somtimes it knock thinks off da table da table shink too i recon one time it be high an me sit unda it now i go unda it i dots to go low so it shrink
my person she tell me she hav a dog like Buddy, like Max who lif next door he name Thunda but he die, she say he stay small like me when i was puppy, thing dey not shrink for him but he still all dog, he try to bite other boy dogs efen da girl dogs, he chace da chooks and bite dem too i say dis Thunda sound a bit naughty but he still a dog he sound like he was all dog big fierce dog but person she say he little dog that not sound right to me he big fierce brave dog i recon
but Thunda he get bit by car i recons cars are big an noisy so you gots to be carefulls with dem you watch outs for the cars i recons dey take you persons away inside of dem and dey bite you too if you not watch so you be barking and biting dem but not if dey move ok
you stay away from da movin cars they bite you dey bite you hard!!
Persons note: Dogs don't know size, Thunder (1989- 1998) was in his head a BIG dog he never tried biting a person but would try and fight any other dog no matter what size, his father was killed fighting an Alsatian, he loved chasing chickens (chooks), that's why I got into dog training to try and help me help him, never did stop him from chicken chasing but the fighting I was able to stop or he would have gone the same way as his father, sadly it was a car that never stopped that killed him I don't think the driver ever saw him.
Thunder who in his heart was as big as a horse was only a little dog, the car just went right over the top of him, he had a small mark on top of his head and that was it he just looked to be sleeping.
He was a dog that like all dogs didn't know size, he was out visiting Curly (his friend) the dog down the street at the time, wasn't supposed to but he was a big brave dog he didn't know that a dog of his size wouldn't be seen by a fast moving car at dusk.
Actually one of the things I've taught all my dogs and that's road crossing, most dogs cross at an angle mine don't they cross straight and look for cars even Thunder who used to go visit Curly all the time would cross straight (less time on the road) and look for cars but unfortunately the car was too fast, it was dusk and he was too small to be seen.
i not be able to get at puter person she allways on it, i put paw on her she not get off i try get on her lap she still not get off me gots to wait an wait an wait me end up go sleep me wait so long
an when me wake up dere a lawn mowa in da garden i not like lawn mowa i bark at it and you know what person do he spray me with wata from a bottle it not taste so good it taste like what dey call it lemom i think it lemom enyway it not nice wata and dey quirt me when i barks
i only barks to protect person from da lawn mowa and i gets squirted bit unfair i recons
dey gots da long stick thingy as well me think it soppossed to cut da grass like da lawn mowa but it not make da big noise da peoples dey poke it and pull it and it still not make da noise
an me not chew it eifer but me think it broke so in some part of garden da grass is taller than me
Coppa an Frosty dat WAY ova your head you get lost in da grass here me gets lost in it da person she just see my tail stick out it bit mean i recon to throw ballie into grass that bigger than my head so i loose ballie now hahaha i make person get it
Persons Note: Ice I am not getting your ball/s out of the grass you have to wait till the wipper snipper is fixed as its too high for the mower now . I know you don't like either but you will be squirted with lemon spray everytime you bark at them, besides I don't want you trying to bite the whipper snipper when its going that might be rather nasty, so spray it is.
Actually Ice is rather good at fetch, normally if the ball is in the long grass she will find and bring it back but our yard is full of these rather tall weeds they would look like trees to Copper or Frosty and they do need to be done with the "long stick" as Ice calls it only the dang thing won't start will it.
Ballie or "get the ballie" is one of Ices commands that she does know and does well
pic is a ring kneck dove --- Ice's birdy friends who live outside look like that