Monday, March 26, 2007

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none..... March 26, 2007

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none..... March 26, 2007

A horse, my kingdom for a horse

A rose by any other name

A man not of woman born

Out, damn spot

Something is rotten

Is leaning cheek to cheek? Is meeting noses?

An overflow of good converts to bad

If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

The cat will mew, and dog will have his day.

The empty vessel makes the loudest sound

You know those quotes and you should know what plays they are from if not who wrote them

Mention Yorik, Romeo, Puck or even Mercurio and you should know who they are
No not Paul Mercurio and that’s Puck with a P.

Let me tell you a little story
One day this guy decides that he will do and see three professional women on a matter of importance to his business; it might fail if he doesn’t and they can help him out.
They tell him that a man who was born by caesarian section will over run the guys horticulture business with his own trees and he had better watch out for him.
So he decides that this guy has to die but he can’t do it CSI will come after him but mother dearest can, only she gets blood all over her and takes her dress to the dry cleaners where the CSI get her instead because the blood spots just wouldn’t come out.

Now I did write that .. I did just typed it out but hey it’s not my idea that’s straight from Macbeth.

Westside Story is Romeo and Juliet there are so many versions of the Romeo and Juliet story it isn’t funny even a gay version Romeo and Romeo, actually I just made that up but then again there may be one.

See what I’m getting at here old Bill wrote all those plays and he gets quoted so much that a mother taking her child to see one of his plays gets told “Hey mum this plays made up of quotes” and Bill himself borrowed stories from other people some of his work wasn’t his idea in the first place

Now the internet is the same thing one person does one thing someone else changes it around saying they wrote it which of course they did they typed it didn’t they, then someone else uses theirs and so on, you can link back but eventually the links end up back right where they started anyway but if you don’t you may just end up in a pile of Richard the Thirds

Give people credit where credit is due quote them, link them, copy paste them, go ahead and do it chances are what they wrote has already been written somewhere by someone else anyway.
Just give people the credit nonetheless ….. Personally I would like a Platinum Gold Card just for writing this

Here’s the question for today

Who wrote Romeo and Juliet? Can you think of any other movies/plays that are the same story as Romeo and Juliet?


josie2shoes said...

Good point here on giving credit where credit is due, Missy. I always try to remember to link back to the post or writer. So often what I write does play off what someone else wrote that got me thinking, and I know that's true of everyone because the same thread will keep reappearing. I love it when than happens - means we were all connecting on some level! Even if you don't get formally acknowledged, enjoy the fact that you sparked some reaction!

Missy A said...

when I origionally posted this there was a lot of shall we say "borrowing" going on around 360, I'd even had some of my own posts appear on other blogs without credit back to me (or 360 Angel my tutorial blog)Danged annoying that is when you put time and effort into a tutorial and someone puts it up as thier own.

There are very few stories that haven't allready been written, love triange, forbidden love and witches throw in a little copy paste and you got the internet. See it all the time "wonderful poem" "great writing" and it isn't thiers at all its just a plain old copy.

Oh you know I always wanted to call a dog spot so I could say out, out dang spot LoL nothing better tha quoting Shakespere to the dog

Jamie said...

Great post---and you are absolutely right. I can name most of the authors, but not all of them, but if I were to quote them, I would give them the credit. I am not a big quoter.....I love a good quote, but damn, I can't remember them when I need them!

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