Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Interupted yet again

So I was going to post here umm like 3 hours ago got the compose box up and everything and then FLIP suddenly remembered its Wednesday Graphics challenges on Wednesday, you Americans are sopposed to tell me that its your Tuesday so I know it's Wednesday how am I sopposed to know what day it is?
Don't even know what the time is now I hate daylight savings not so much the fact that its dark now and it's only 6.30 but every clock in the house is saying a different time . I don't bother setting the time on my phone because when it goes flat it looses the setting, the clock in the lounge is allways going flat and stopping as well and watches I'll have to buy a new $10 watch just so I know what the time is for 6 months, yes about 6 months that's as long as the batteries last .
I don't know what it is with me and battery powered things they are ALLWAYS flat doesn't matter what it is if it uses batteries it will not work for more than a few minutes/goes I think I kill batteries.
I kill lighters as well and pens, got 4 lighters here only one works and no kidding can I pick up a pen that actually writes? Ummm nope
When the battery charger is finished with the batteries for the camera I'll take pics and show you all my pens, might have to just brush off the desk a bit I think might even wipe it **shock horror**

1 comment:

Dana Dane said...

I am convinced that you don't sleep

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