Friday, March 9, 2007



What is it about putting people into the little boxes that we love so well?

See I am originally from England (Yorkshire) and I get told to wash because people from England or Pommies don’t wash

I get asked because I live in Australia if we keep a kangaroo as a pet or I’ll get “You have Subway there?” or the one person who totally believed we live so far in the outback that
our modem is solar powered

All …

Americans wear loud Hawaiian shirts, carry a camera everywhere and are extremely obnoxious

Mexicans wear sombreros and sleep a lot

American Indians are lazy

The Asians if they break into your house will tidy up and do your homework

New Zealanders love sheep and I mean they really love sheep

The French are arrogant

Germans are bossy and drink beer while wearing hats with tiny feathers and like to have shooting festivals

Swedish people are blond and like to sing

The Jews have all the money

Catholics have hundreds of children

The Protestants will blow you up

Gays carry murses and are effeminate

Lesbians are butch and ride Harleys

Blonds are stupid

Blacks will steal your car stereo

Aboriginals carry spears whilst drinking out of flagons by the riverbank

Adelaideians are snobby

Melbournites like horse racing

Housewives are bored and do nothing

That’s just a few of the stereotypes I can think of none of them true of course, even though Eddo does have a murse and a lot of you Americans do carry your cameras everywhere you are no more obnoxious than any other person, not lazier or richer or any of the above

Those are stereotypes and until we get our heads around the fact that those stereotypes do not exist, the world will stay as it is.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT meant to offend, if you find it offensive you haven’t read it properly

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