Monday, April 13, 2009

It don't click with me

You know I've been on Yahoo a long time, used 360 for a long time as well and yes I did notice the cliques on there little gangs that stick together like glue always commenting on each others posts all the time but since joining Multiply I noticed it even more the x360ites are cliquey, mega hugely cliquey
The little circles are completely round no one gets in or out

The cliques flow over into other places of course they do because hardly anyone uses 360 any more, Twitter, MySpace and Facebook always the same gang of people with the same gang of followers/friends/contacts
It doesn't matter how interesting they are it's the same ones over and over "hugs and kisses darling" "nice post" blah blah meaningless dribble in the comment area but because they are part of the clique that dribble is acknowledged anyone who isn't part of the "inner circle" is totally ignored even if it is dribble if you aren't "in" you may as well be out

So that's why with a lot of the old ones from 360 I've stopped following, I wont comment I don't even acknowledge their presence I'm 42 years old this is no school yard it's the internet I'll never meet these people in person, some I'm not interested in meeting in person well one or two I wouldn't mind but most they are so inward with themselves and their friends that they don't peak my interest at all

I say good luck to them really because the same people the same things for years is boring , I'm doing different things I'm meeting (online) different people every day opposite to my RL I am outgoing online the one thing though that I do have in RL and online I can't stand cliques


Suz said...

Haha, this is really kind of funny because I was just thinking I like my little group of friends and I guess if you have them long enough it becomes a clique. The truth is I don't have as much time on line as I used to so it is easier sticking with the ones you know. As far as blogging that is. I just am not getting into the social sites as much so far. I know the people I have that I have been in touch with all this time are ones I can depend on not to bring drama to my page or my life. As we know from past experience drama is not usually a good thing. I see you tweeting.

Vanessa H said...

For a minute, I thought I fit into that category. I do enjoy reading blogs & commenting on them. But I don’t care how many “friends” I have. If I like a person I like communicating with them. And that’s the bottom line. (Why does that line remind me of a wrestler?)

And I’m mildly surprised that we are the same age.

Missy A said...

And that’s the bottom line....because Stone Cold said so

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