Wednesday, April 15, 2009

sick of the thick

You know some people have the mental capacity of a gnat, don't know if they wear a helmet every day or the just don't think because some just don't think at all
I do a lot of answering questions about CSS it's easy CSS is you want a background that's black you put background-color: #000;
the #(hex color code) of course for black being #000
or you can put background-color: black; which is even easier
Simple right logical, same with a hover effect you get the item in the CSS you want the hover effect on and put :hover after it so say you wanted a hover effect here on Blogger you go into your template find the selector for the part you want a hover effect on
say the header wrapper which is #header-wrapper {
and after the end bracket you put #header-wrapper:hover {
with a change, I'll make this one the background but you can have what ever you like on hover as long as it's different
like this
#header-wrapper {
#header-wrapper:hover {
background-color: #000;
Basically telling the code "oi change when the mouse goes over that part"

Simple easy peasy most selectors in CSS say what they do all it is is using your brain a little and thinking about what it says, not so easy for some they want the hover effect for comments, the hover effect for links and the hover effect for the footer ... it's ALL the same thing!
You can tell one person and the next day there's another asking for hover on something else I even wrote a tutorial on hover effects Hovering or mouse over effects (updated)
and they still don't get it
What can I do it's so frustrating trying to teach those who will not think for themselves are they stupid are they thick or what ?
Don't know how many of you reading this (not a lot of you read this anyway) but how many of you "got" what was above even if you have no clue what CSS is did you understand how I explained :hover ?


Anonymous said...

Well, sure I got it ... but that's me. I don't think all people WANT to learn this stuff. They ask you because they're hoping you'd say «tell me exactly what you want and I'll make the whole damned page for you».

Unknown said...

I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

If not;

Missy A said...

I actually said that back to one person "If I could read your mind, which I can't but if I could I would give you exactly what you want"
problem with some of them is what they want and what they need is totally different .. they need a slap across the back of the head

Missy A said...

LoL good one, and yes it's surprising how some even get their pants on in the morning
maybe they have a sign on the wall
"pants 1st , shoes 2nd"

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