Thursday, April 26, 2007

parallels .... April 26, 2007


Somewhere in the world we have a twin, someone who looks just like us its a known fact it happens, or maybe someone has the exact same name as you or you get mistaken for someone else

I was once I was riding my bike home from school and got a flat tire so I pulled into a service station and the attendant was adamant that I was this girl in the newspaper he even showed me the paper of course she wasn’t me but she did look just like me.

Sometimes people have the same personalities as someone else maybe they type the same or have the exact same things happen to them now in real life you can tell these people apart but online it’s difficult.

Some confuse Missy with me because our names are the same, I get Tiff and Tigga muddled up because of the T.

Now my last entry was true but it wasn’t about anyone around on 360° not anymore or anyone connected to you she just parallels someone you do know, maybe she just stole her ideas from her, maybe it’s just a coincidence that their daughters look alike, their husbands both died and their bothers died in a nasty car accident but I can tell you that they aren’t the same person I know this I’ve heard them both speak the voices are different but they did once have each other as 360° friends and yes they are so similar that you would mistake one for the other.

Even identical twins can be different in certain ways but somewhere in the world there is a person just like you scary thought isn’t it.

Oh and just for a bit of fun here is a video for you to highlight the fact that yes you never really know who you are talking to online they could just be the same person under different ID’s using multiple computers you just never know and yes I know someone else who shall remain unnamed and unlinked has this same video on their blog.... where do you think I got it from I do have a look around 360° sometimes you know

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