Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Hehehe don't get me started on Vegemite I've eaten the brown stuff since I was 5 in everything and I mean everything soup, gravy, on the roast, in the marinade everything!
Just saved a draft on a Vegemite recipie for Tastebuds ( get off you gotta wait, we don't want too many post all at once) anyway you can look here if you want, the whole site is about Vegemite.
Note: I'm translating some of this for you
See what happens is this an American asks for vegemite never tried it they say whats it like and they end up with a small packet like the tomato sauce (ketchup) ones you get at cafe's and what do they do? Eat the lot put the whole dang lot on one slice of toast, well that blows your tounge right off that does its flipping strong Vegemite is so they go ARRRGH ITS HORRIBLE .... of course it is like that, that's like eating a whole jar of jam(jelly) or a big fat chilli pepper or a whole bottle of tabasco sauce, I wouldn't eat that much at once a bit of it yeah but the lot no way
Look at it this way I've never tried an Oreo those are buiscuits (cookies) I know what they are but I've never had one, never had a Tootsie Roll either those are lollies (candy)
But if someone sent me one or a packet full what ever size they come in I wouldn't be shoving the whole lot in my mouth at once .. well ok if they are chocolate I might

Can I quit translating now?
No kidding thats difficult, even my spelling tomato and centre not tomatoe and center can't think of any more but centre is the worst, to centre something on a website it has to be center (American spelling) it's no wonder I couldn't even remember how to spell it right
Anyway Vegemite its NOT that bad as long as you remember only use a little spread it thin, don't go popping a whole spoon full in your mouth like my son used to do, not if you haven't tried it before otherwize BANG off will go your tounge


Barb said...

hi - my husband did actually try vegemite once. Some Aussies brought a jar along on their trip to Ireland which was where we met them and he tried it out.. thinly spread on a piece of toast. I respectivly declined. His comment was it tasted like used axel grease, if such a thing existed. I wonderd if he had ever had axel grease on toast before. Anyway, the Aussies thought it was all too funny, especially after he ended up getting bus sick in Derry and up-chucked his entire breakfast on and off the bus. He is not a good passanger on buses but decided to blame the Vegemite instead. I am trying to think of a product we have here that is similar in intensity to vegemite, eaten widely with gusto, but an acquired taste. Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head. Oreos are comprised of 2 wafers of crunchy chocolate cookie, rather ordinary, then between is a white vanilla icing. A real sugar hit. Tootie-rolls are not simple lollies but are round balls of hard chocolate with a center of gooey soft chocolate. Other tootie-rolls are sold in log form and are just regular chocolate filling extractors. I will do a peice in taste buds about Poutine which casues hardening of the arteries.

Missy A said...

It definatly is an aquired taste, Adrian doesn't like it and a woman who worked in the school canteen couldn't stand the smell(would make her feel sick) so I allways had to do the vegemite sandwiches why the kid ordered vegemite sandwiches was allways beyond me, could have brought them from home

Marmite is similar is more like tar and to me it is VERY similar to axle grease
Poutine sounds like a disease LoL
All "candy" here is called a lollie if it small like the English call them sweets we call them lollies

Dana Dane said...


Missy A said...

come on Dana there has got to be some food that you like that everyone else goes yuk

you know I like sardines and vegemite ...NOT together tho ewwww

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