Monday, October 29, 2007

Ice writes part 1

This is part one of "Ice writes" Ice is a stumpy tail cattle dog of medium size who's never been to dog school, so please excuse her spelling she does try though.

My silly person made me a Canada 360 page I don't live in canada there are mice or is that mooses there I don't like mooses. I like flies like catch a fly one day but they allways too fast
I can catch the washing though can you see me thats me next to the lion he liek one of those cat things but he do not move I hide next to lion and get washing off clothes line when girl person not looking she get mad but I get it though washing much easier to catch than fly
I like people when they have food no cabbage that silly I like bones an dogg food and egg
I like to make noises my person tell me I snore I not snore he does when he snore I lick his elbows
Ah yes elbows I love elbows he not have to be snoring for me to lick his elbows me love elbows, did I say I liked elbows?
I not like cars though they too noisy for me big noisys and my peoples they get in the car and go away but not take me that good coz cars are scary and no where to hide in them I do not like it when they goes in the car coz the car scares me
I do not like the big noises the sky make either it make big noise and make light sometimes so I go inside then and go under girl person who give me food I go under her desk sometimes I try to sit on her lap still like when i was little puppy but I a bit big now
I like to dig holes one day I dig to china and go laugh at little dogs that live there

Ice go now person got food and maybe play with toy I show you toy later not today

Ice talks about Human training .. March 25, 2007

Human training tips

Human training can be slightly difficult sometimes, the smaller humans are easy to train they can be trained to carry food very easily and most always have a biscuit or a cookie in their paws, said biscuit or cookie will most times be given to you voluntarily on the part of the smaller human, just get close enough and they will give it to you. The larger human is lightly harder to train for this you must do tricks for them at least they will think you are doing tricks for them in fact they are performing for you.

Look them in eyes make the sad face and your human will perform for you

They can be trained to open cans, get out the walking leach so you can take them for a walk even produce feet and elbows to lick

So dogs of the world get out your trained human and get them to press down on the bumpy thing in front of the small television they like to sit at so much and get them to do the thing they call typing, sit on thier feet or lap till they get it right

Thursday, October 25, 2007

360 Superstars ... April 20, 2007

360 Superstars ... April 20, 2007

I've been at this ALL day phew

good thing I already had some saved

Remember you can click on the images and grab yours from the slideshow as they come up


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jerry Yang ..On Yahoo

Found this post on Web Pro News about Yahoo
Yahoo - It's Not Easy Being Yang
It talks about Yahoo

making several acquisitions in the space, such as Delicious and Upcoming. They lack a single strategy of melding the best of the technologies they own into something -- it's easy enough to identify what Yahoo, and Yang, needs to do. They have a lot of pieces that need to be connected together, in a way that people can use them effectively from one interface.”

Jerry Yang Mentions Facebook, Yahoo Pipes and Delicious
And that post links to other places
Namely this one where it quotes Jerry Yang as saying

Earlier this year it felt like it was, in my own words, either now or never," he said. "I feel some urgency for what Yahoo has to do and we have some challenges...It feels like forever but it's also gone by very fast." Fostering Yahoo's start-up and customer-centric culture is critical for the company's future, according to Yang. "When things are going great you want to feel like you belong to something, and when things are not going great the (company) identity can help you get through it. --Social media is growing in importance and Yahoo has Yahoo Answers and Flickr, two of the largest social environments on the Web, he said."

Jerry Yang of course who co-founded the company in 1994 and was promoted to the top job in June does not mention 360° at all it’s like it doesn’t even exist
He mentions Facebook, Bebo and MySpace but not 360° Yahoo’s own social network?

“Social media is growing in importance and Yahoo has Yahoo Answers and Flickr, two of the largest social environments on the Web, he said

No wonder Yahoo users are leaving for sites like Multiply (stand alone company not owned by Google by the way) if the CEO of Yahoo has forgotten all about 360° and doesn’t even mention it even in passing well what hope is there for 360°?
What hope have we even got for this new thing?

All in all to quote Jerry Yang himself “"We are embracing the change."”
Change is good and as it looks like Yahoo don’t even remember what 360° is and was designed for (all encompassing profile to link to other things eg: circle or 360° degrees)
I for one will change even if they can forget all about 360° I can’t 2+ years is a lot of time a lot of time to just dump and forget
I will change will morph into some other site possibly Blogger and Multiply I will do as I’ve done for the last few years, help you my friends out where ever possible because that’s what I do but loosing 360° has hurt me a lot I’m only going to help those I know, if I do any Multiply tutorials they will be “friends only”

Lastly I have a question for Jerry Yang
What are the 4.7 million users of Yahoo! 360° ? Swiss cheese?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Expansion Pack Available now

Now available the Bloggers Anonymous Expansion Pack
One that you are welcome to look around, play in or post in.

I've copied all that is available on the Bloggers Anonymous website and the Bloggers Anonymous 360 page to a Blogger blog, the website was always awful to load anyway and the 360 page needed to be backed up so now they are both together on the one blog.
Bloggers Anonymous still loves 360 after all that is our home but with a Blogger it can reach a wider audience, comments can be anonymous and the blog can have other authors as long as they have a Blogger account
Bloggers Anonymous is not leaving 360 just expanding there are no other Bloggers Anonymous's around our 360 Bloggers Anonymous is the only site/blog/group dedicated to those with a blogging addiction others have written about blogging as an addiction but there are no other Bloggers Anonymous sites that do what we do, there where but most are defunct now.
We found with the advent of Mash more people wanted to join our group who didn't blog on 360 anymore plus with those who have left 360 (pre-360 product blog post) whom we want back, an expansion is a good idea for Bloggers Anonymous.

Again Bloggers Anonymous is NOT leaving 360 just expanding, we just built a new extension on our little BA house to fit in all the new family members in our little family is all

Join Bloggers Anonymous the Y Group

What is plural of Bloggers Anonymous any way? Is it bloggers anonymous's or bloggers anonymi? And why did I make a group that had such a difficult name?

Monday, October 22, 2007

How to add stuff to your Blogger 2

Comments Feed thingy
On Wordpress its a module that you can add but on Blogger you have to add them a different way and if you have a Google reader its fairly easy
Add the feed for comments into your Google reader the link will be like this
obviously you change the site name for yours so Dana's comment feed would be
Your site address with /feeds/comments/default on the end
Change the name of the subscription to "comments for" so you don't get confuddled with the blog feed, make sure its in a public folder or blog or the feed it won't work.

Click on the Manage Subscriptions link, tick the box for comments feed you just added, tick the "add clip to your site" link and a pop up box will appear.
This is the fun part where you choose what colours and what title you want, then you can click the "add to Blogger" link and have Blogger add the code for you or do it yourself (copy paste into a html module on your page)

Bit of a mess around but once you have done it its done and your recent comments will appear on your Blogger blog.
Don't ask me how you can do it if you use something else I'm assuming you can use YPipes or use Feedburner to do the same thing .... a feed is a feed comments or blog.

Update: If you want an easy way click add page element>> add feed
I can't see "add page element" on Firefox so forgot you could do that .... **DoH**

Quick Comments
I had a look on the Blogger Help pages and found a couple of different things that you can use
First one is guestbooks but like any webpage they should be on a different page
The other is called a Tagboard of course like the Guestbooks you need to sign up in order to get the code but once you have you can grab the code for the box like I have on the right, had to put it on the right as it got squished on the left (template issue) The one I'm using there is called Tag its fairly simple and if you know a little HTML you can change it around a bit, like the "TAG" button you can change that to say "post" if you wanted to. It's free of course (you know me its gotta be free) but you can pay and get IP banning etc.
Of course if you get the free one you might get some numbnuts decide they want to play on it so all you do is log in to TagBoard and re-do it, think re-pasting code will do the same but if it does clear it I can't test it don't want to clear mine yet.

Of course you can use a TagBoard on any site where you can put it, MySpace profiles for instance but remember it is PUBLIC and anyone can post on it.

You can have others post on your page, great for a blog like Bloggers Anonymous or if you want to set up a writers page or post on a cooking page like Tastebuds
All you need to do is go into your Blogger permissions page and add an author, you will need an email address for them. Blogger will send them an email asking if they want to be an author and they say yes or no.
You can even grant them admin privileges after they say yes so they can add things to the page other than posting blogs.
The blog will come up on their Blogger profile with their name as an author, some pages have a pile of authors
If you want to be included as an author and you haven't been asked ask! Don't ask don't get! Just don't forget your email address you can't get permission without it and of course you have to have a Blogger account don't have to have a blog just an account.

looks like this when you have a few authors (emails blanked out for privacy)

On 360 all your tags have to be-one-word or one_word you can't put spaces or Capitals here you can, you can tag your posts as My Dog, Base Ball Heroes or By the Sea, you can also go into your list of posts and tag all of them at once or 10 at a time, so say you posted a pile of old 360 posts here on Blogger go into your list of posts and tick the boxes for them (draft OR posted doesn't matter) and label them "posts from 360" and Blogger will tag them all at once! No more lost posts because you forgot to tag em and no more silly looking tags. As you might notice I'm so used to doing my tags the 360 way most of mine are-like-this LoL old habits die hard.
Of course if you blog on Wordpress it will make you a cloud, Blogger doesn't do that and I missed my tag cloud so much I found a site that makes em and put one on my Blogger but it was a pain a BIG pain to do (it should be at the bottom of this page)

Ok that's it I think ...flippin hope so anyway
Bloggers Anonymous has some other sites that may help you with your Blogger page and any other web site for that matter and a few more things to help with blogging in general have been added to Chronicknightmare

Saturday, October 20, 2007

How to use Blogger for ex360 peeps

A few people are very new to Blogger and it can be tricky after using 360 for so long its not that its difficult just different
Here are a couple of things that may help with keeping in touch with your friends on 360 and adding a few things to your page

Log in to your Blogger dashboard, you will see a few things there possibly not as many as this yet but the "edit profile" and "layout" options will be there for your own blog page
To edit your Blogger profile click umm "edit profile" fairly simple that one hehehe
And for the look of your page and to add things to your template click "Layout"

Click Layout then Template the page elements page will come up, yours will look a lot neater than mine though

Click on edit links to place your friends blog page URL or any other URL in your links section on the side of your Blogger page, you may have to activate or add a links section do that by clicking "add page element"

Add your picture with a URL , which means the picture must be on Photobucket or Flickr

To subscribe click on one of the "add too" buttons on a friends page or the "Atom" link at the bottom of the page

Or If you use Firefox click the RSS button on the toolbar

The blogs you have subscribed to will them come up in your reader I use Google but you can use your My Yahoo or any other feed reader you want
You can also paste a link in where it says "add subscription" to get updates from your friends pages

Oh and if you want those fancy tiny buttons and the "how many are subscribed" clicklet go to Feedburner make an account put your RSS feed in for your blog (the Atom one at the bottom) and you can make the fancy animated feed readers and grab the little "add me" buttons Feedburner gives you all the codes, in fact it can even add them to your blog page for you

This is a fairly simple "How too" on using Blogger if you have any questions ask,
I might even do another one like date change wait that's easy click "Post options" and change the date of posting(month/day/year) that way if you bring over any posts from 360 you can post them on the original post date

Lawn mower man

Wednesday afternoon, I'm in here the furry one is in the dining room sweating over a hot motherboard well ok not sweating as his cousin the one "who knows all" won't let him get anywhere near it, so he's sweating off to the side
And we hear the sound of a lawn mower, now I think to myself that mower is awfully close to our place must be the "I have my sprinklers on 24/7" next door neighbour , sprinklers are always on so he's always mowing, so I take a quick squiz out the window and I'm like "what the!" half OUR lawn is mowed and there's the guy who lives next door to "sprinklers on 24/7" mowing our lawn.
He's like "oh hope I'm not in trouble or anything but I was bored your lawn needed mowing so I just started on it" I didn't quite know what to say, I mean here we are two lawn mowers neither start, five of the "long sticks dat sopposed ta make da noises" as Ice calls them not one of them can be started either so our front lawn looks like someone's hayfield and it got mowed not by us but by the lawn mower man with a normal mower not a ride on the picture is for fun
Apparently he walks down the street and mows other lawns as well
He mowed our lawn ... mowed our lawn!
Of course now it looks like it needs to be raked up and turned into bales but heck he mowed our lawn!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

April 07 ..MySpace most popular

April 07 ..MySpace most popular

Current mood:

Category: MySpace

I'm not sure how this happened

Number 718 out of 1150 in the MySpace category big grin


What's the easiest way to stick my Blogger pages on my Wordpress?
If I try to load them up onto it they all go on the same page and of course me being me I don't want them on the same page all mixed up I want them on different pages with the little neat tabs at the top of the main page
I asked here and well the answers didn't help at all, I do know the difference between a page and a post I'm not quite that stupid, confused yes and I may look like an idiot sometimes but I ain't that dumb.
I've got these pages on Blogger
This one Missinterupted the one you are on now
Missys Shorts for my short stories and bad poetry
Tastebuds - food blog with different authors
Bloggers Anonymous - new Blogger blog, still working on it (will have co-authors and feeds when finished)
Photoshopping Challenge - not used now but if anyone wants to be co-author I can set it up

Would it be easier to just put links down the side?
Can I put an outside link in one of those "extra page" tabs like Phil has done? How do I do that?
Remember I'm a Wordpress newb I find the whole thing very confusing that's why I haven't done much on it.
I can do HTML easy enough links are easy I didn't bother with filling in the blog roll one at a time on Wordpress I just did the links in HTML like I've done here,see the scroll box? its cool huh, the scroll wouldn't work on Wordpress but the links did and that's the important part.

So in simple terms for a person who is constantly interrupted (300 times while typing this) how do I get those "extra pages" on Wordpress too 1. have what I want on them and 2. if possible get them to go to an outside page?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Facebook Stepping Up AntiPerv Efforts

I've talked about Facebook before and the fact that it is a site aimed at the young so therefore will have predators joining, just like paedophiles hang around school playgrounds because that's where the children are.
The good news is that Facebook is stepping up its efforts to control the online predators, mainly because they have been told they have too.

From Web Pro News
"Three weeks ago, the New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced he was subpoenaing Facebook to learn how the social networking site dealt with users who were reported for sexually soliciting underage users. The notice came after New York conducted an undercover operation posing as teenagers on the site and reporting the illicit advances that adults made on their profiles."

With the new plan, Facebook will place user complaints about “nudity, pornography, harassment, (and) unwelcome contact” into a high-priority category that will require a response from the site within 24 hours. “We’re committing to a 24-hour service level on addressing those complaints,” Kelly asserted. These complaints can be filed anonymously through new links throughout Facebook’s site.

Some language on the site will also be altered to make it clear to concerned parents that neither Facebook nor any other site on the Internet is wholly safe for children."

Of course Facebook isn't the only place where predators hang out, they are on other sites as well but most of those would if you made a complaint do something about it, Facebook wasn't doing anything and now it is which of course is a good thing .

sore finger a continum

so anyway I've just posted over on threesixty about its demise, closure, end, death ...what did they call it?? Transition yeah that's right transition more like "oh poo we F'ed up some people actually use this thing we had better do something, giving them a new toy called Mash wasn't enough"
Tell you what though it would have been one heck of a lot easier if we could transfer blogs over to Blogger, Multiply even **shock** MySpace at the push of a button NOW because I for one wasn't waiting for the inevitable Yahoo stuff up
"whoops sorry 999 error all your posts have gone forever" ..yes I know that rhymes
so does "Its not you it's Yahoo"
Its not my fault that on one Yahoo ID my 360 keeps popping back out to "invites from everyone" or on another I can't edit Quick Comment settings, not my fault that mail arrives (alerts and 360 mail) a month late, not my fault that 360 eats posts and not my fault that Yahoo left 360 to rot for a year so totally not my problem

It does sadden me though that my group that I've spent a year growing is now almost useless unless I can get members from "other" blog places in it, it saddens me that a fantastic Y Group with over 2000+ members made specially for 360 is now also useless I mean what do you do with a 360 group when there isn't a 360 anymore??

Ya know I could deactivate my Y ID's LoL that would grab em by the yballs I've got a few of em ya know ...just a few hundred!
Google has better search options, better RSS reader, Blogger is great to blog on.
Multiply is growing fast ...with X360 users!
MySpace has a great IM service and even has mobile phone stuff now
Freewebs is much easier to use than Geocities

Yahoo is all over it really is who knows what Yahoo have/has/had ... anyone know what Y Pipes is? It doesn't even show here but I found this ... think its RSS feeds ... I think who knows Yahoo even know they have it????
Possibly not they totally forgot about 360 so maybe this Y Pipes is the same

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

my finger is sore now...

Think I've finished now, yes my finger is sore from all that copy pasting
The old 360 entries are tagged (umm derr ) 360 POSTS OLD and the MySpace ones are MY SPACE OLD
It now looks like I've had my Blogger since 05' which of course is a big cheat, those are just older 360 posts back posted on to the date of original posting, think a couple of those are MySpace ones as I've had that since 05'
Note: if you have a MySpace don't try going through old posts the archiving is terrible and you will be looking at 5 posts per page clicking "older" over and over again. Lucky most of mine there where re-posts anyway but I did find a couple that where MySpace composed only, that I'd never saved at all, those have been posted here.

I now have (under sufferance) a Multiply which isn't too bad was fairly easy to find code to do the background in CSS but I don't really like the privacy settings there is no friend of friend or "friends only" setting that I can find so everyone connected to you in anyway sees your updates. One plus though it does have a reasonable system of grabbing blog posts from another site (not 360) and posting them on Multiply, it did want to post ALL of my posts from ALL of my Blogger blogs ( I have 4) and cross post I post on Blogger it posts there as well which I didn't want but it did post the ones that I wanted there so that worked. There is also a "I used to be on 360" group set up for bloggers kinda like BA . Think Multiply could be interesting actually ..... and umm miss red where would you like that wet noodle?

Also **shock horror** I've got a Wordpress it tells me who has subscribed, when peeps looked and when, I can have another page on it and well loads of stuff that I haven't quite figured out yet, like if I have more than one page how do I know which one I'm posting on? Its different to Blogger , the dashboard doesn't have "my 1st blog" and "my 2nd blog" or "poems" and "tastebuds" like Blogger does . So I haven't really posted on it as I don't really know which page that post is going to end up on
I would make a new page for my poems/short stories and transfer them but I'd quite possibly get all muddled and stick them on the wrong page. I also of course want my stars background same as I've got on Mash, MySpace and Blogger on my Wordpress but as I have no idea how to do CSS its staying like it is, I find Wordpress very confusing and CSS even more so.

So anyway I've grabbed all of my 360 posts worth posting ( 6 posts still to be posted) and stuck them on Blogger and yes if you look I've mucked it up told you I can't do CSS the Blogger navigation bar has disappeared as well as the whole page being too wide oh well at least you can read it

Oh and has anyone got any good finger exercises?? .....LoL I know what you are going to say for that one

Update: Of course Wordpress and Multiply are confusing I've been using 360 since 05' EVERYTHING is confusing after 360 its so easy to use ...when it works of course

Friday, October 12, 2007

its 1am

1am and I can't sleep, too hot ...too bloomin hot and it's only October don't know what its going to be like in another month 40+ in here, well ok not in here the air-con is in here (have to keep the computers cool) but the rest of the house will be like an oven
Last year I went into the kitchen and it was 50 degrees in there that's around 105 in the other measurement and NO the oven was not on, didn't need to be I could have cooked on the floor not that I would cook on the floor but you know what I mean...get off my floor is clean the dog eats off it all the time so it must be clean enough to eat off ... What the dog finds on the floor worth eating is beyond me I can't see anything and she's licking the floor, maybe its phantom food?
Speaking of the dog, had to have it inside because of thunder storms she hates them goes nuts over the thunder, anyway I bring her inside and she's doing the alternate steam train , drink, steam train, drink thing and dribbling water all over the floor always wondered why her water goes down so fast she spills most of it, of course inside its all over the floor isn't it and then she's walking in the puddles only washed the floor yesterday and so now I gotta do it all again. Only I wash the floor after the dog is back outside well the dog is supposed to back out only she wont, daytime yes she will I say "outside" she is at the door waiting for me too push down the handle so she can nose the door open but night time no way I say "outside" she hides, here's this too big to sit on your lap dog (she's a "medium") hiding under my desk so I'm going "come" with treats and she's on her back I get her up and she scoots up on the bed and hides behind him thinking we can't see her as the light is off.
She does it every time she is inside at night, when its time to go out she hides anyone would think I wack her one or something the way she behaves, I literally have to entice her to the door with treats, she only does it at night day time is fine .... we have a dog that is scared of the dark maybe ? I have no idea.

Actually Ice (that's the dog) has her own 360 page think I'll grab her posts as well and post them here, she don't spell very well after all she is a dog but a couple of the posts are interesting reading well that's what she tells me anyway ....... of course I wrote them dah the dog can't type, even though she does try to sit on my lap while I type, tries is the operative word here, she can't actually sit on my lap she is way too big for that, I keep telling her that she's too big but she don't believe me as dogs don't know size (Ice talks about size on her blog and as I'm going to put them here I'll leave the size thing for now) No I am not making another blogger page up for the bloomin dog, could but I won't can't be bothered.

Anyway what was I doing? Watching my fish on Mash ..yes its that boring over there, posting a very "nice" suggestion on the Mash suggestion board, yes I can be nice sometimes thank you very much. Sticking some more downloads on Chronick, you might like those S I've stuck some Fonts in, do some more soon and Tazster is putting a pile of Rapidshare links up in the forum section she's crazy I swear LoL. If you want anything ask you know me I'll find it and if I can't the big furry one will NO not the dog the snoring furry thing that's sleeping atm...still sounds like he is a dog oh well you know who I mean .
Changed the blurb on BA to say "all bloggers" not just 360 bloggers well I blog here don't I ? Besides you look up Bloggers Anonymous on Google all the other BA sites are dead including the Blogger one.
What else have I done today apart from re-wash the floor ? No idea ?? Oh yeah I know something I'm going to do and that is ....wait for it ........ sleep yeah that's it sleep well hope so anyway.
Oh and please tell me if I post too fast for you or too slow I can do more ya know, you know me I can go hard wait that sounds rude ...I know I know go to bed you sleep blogging again ..hmm I know someone else who sleep blogs wonder who that is ???

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Twilight Zone

A three sixty re-post ..starting with this one as its most recent

You are in the Mall and you want to know where the canned beans are so you go to the ‘canned goods’ office and knock on the door but there is no answer there, the door seems to be locked a huge mark in the door above the handle suggests that quite a few others have been knocking on the same door, a pile of letters and notices are shoved under the door some date back months, post-it notes of all different colours cover it saying “When are you going to come back?” It looks like you aren’t going to get any information about canned goods today.
Next door to the ‘canned goods’ office the ‘vegetable section’ the door is open, the phone is ringing hot, quite a few other people are in there asking questions about vegetables, so you find someone thinking they all work for the Mall they should be able to answer my question

and you ask them ‘the canned goods office is closed can I get help please’ but they turn their back on you and walk away, so you ask again this time with another person, they too walk away, you try another and another every single one turns away.
So you start yelling “I need some help here”, you stamp your feet, pick a stapler up from a desk and throw it at the wall the crash makes a few look around but they only pick up phones and call security, the security guard hauls you away and shoves you out of the back door of the Mall you land on a pile of others all muttering “I only wanted a question answered”

Meanwhile the canned goods staff who where hiding in the back of the vegetable section all start giggling and one says to the other “there goes another one, you think if we hide here long enough they will forget all about canned goods altogether”

Another stifles a laugh saying “maybe we should put up a big sign on our door, telling them not to annoy the vegetable section” and the first one says “No that would be so mean, they might think we are still in there …oh come on lets do it”
So the canned goods department wait till no customers are around grab a big black marker and write “Do not ask the vegetable section” on the door, they don’t even bother to tear down the post it notes just write over them, they then wait at the back of the vegetable department watching on the Mall closed circuit camera system as a line forms outside the canned goods section

The laughing could be heard for miles

Next 16 posts you might have seen before

Just been on my three sixty yes the "thing" arrgh anyway been over there and grabbed a few posts, well you never know do you ?
The rest can stay and as I've already posted all my poems and short stories on Missy's Shorts (one to go found one I'd missed)
The rest are all rubbish and not worth a re-post , not bad is it out of all that lot only 30 or so worth a repost...don't know why I bothered in the first place.
Most of the re-posts will have the dates of the original post time, think I've missed a couple of dates but that's me though, they will say re-post on the bottoms and are all tagged as such so they aren't confuddled with other posts
Anyway as I'm getting interrupted yet again and can't bloomin well think I'll just post this post for now the rest will be posted one per day for the next 16 days me a rest and means I don't have to think ..arrrghh what I'm typing here ...I swear he sees my hands on a key board and it's "blah blah blah" gotta go grrrrr

so vain -- 360 re-post

You are so vain

Red7 writes this “Do you not think we can't see you commenting again on mutual friends blogs?” Well its not so much that you see them commenting but it’s the ones that totally ignore you those are the ones that peeve me, I mean you comment first on a blog they comment after you what they blogblind or something they didn’t see you ?

Then of course there are the friend stealers, someone sees you with certain friends and they go out of their way to steal them off you, I’ve seen it happen almost like its “I’m a much better friend than they are, look I can post 10 comments to you I pay you more attention, have me instead of stinky old them, delete them you don’t want them”

Those people aggravate me I feel like saying here have my flipping friends take them you want them so bad take them!

I’m not talking about the pigs of 360° either the ones that really you do not want on your list and you don’t want them on your friends lists either, you know the ones the ones who make the bile come up when you see a comment from them on a friends page but what can you do you can’t tell people who to have as a friend.

If I deleted everyone who had a certain person on their list who I don’t like I wouldn’t have anyone left but of course that’s probably what they want me to do

This song is for them

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

what do you know..

what do you know about me?
Did you know I should have a 24 year old son/daughter? They would have turned 24 in August, I lost them after Ash Wednesday (see below)
Should have a 5 year old too but thanks to my x husband I do not
Did you know I had a lump removed from my right breast when I was 17? Size of a golf ball, it wasn't cancerous but afterwards I ended up in hospital again with a skin rash would you believe caused by the bandages ..I'm allergic to a adhesive bandage named Leukoplast.
Did you know I rolled my mothers car when I was 18 ? Wore a neck brace for six weeks and have had back and neck problems ever since, its the cause of my headaches.
Did you know I'm an Ash Wednesday survivor? The fire completely surrounded us, we drove through flames and smoke that day, our house was saved only because it was surrounded on two sides by roads and the other two sides by orchards with the sprinklers going

When I was 4 I fell asleep at church youth group I'd gone with my brother and sister (teenagers at the time) and my cousin who is one month older than me I was supposed to go home with my cousin but I fell asleep instead. I woke up at the door of my parents house after being driven home by the priest, I knew youth group hadn't finished because of the time, I could tell because of the TV and what was showing on it.
I also remember arguing with my parents as they said that youth group had finished and that's why the priest brought me home. I was four years old and should have been brought home by my aunt with my cousin (my brother and sister where teenagers they got to stay longer) but I didn't I was brought home by the priest.
I can remember the back seat of the car, the vinyl was cold. I can remember seeing myself at the door next to the priest like I was looking out of the house, I dream it, re live it go through everything have done since I was four years old.
I haven't ever fallen asleep like that since, I can only sleep if I'm wrapped up and feel safe I'm always last to go to bed I find it difficult go to sleep if someone else is awake
This particular thing has been following me around since I was four years old and you wonder why I startle so easily.

These particular things I have never blogged about before, these are things that you didn't know and now you do

Try this ...

Want to try something different?
Try this its called a Forum its like a blog, you create an account and post on what's called a Forum board, other members can answer you or you can answer their posts
Easy and FREE! .. I love free LoL

click that button it will take you there but that is just the main or Home page visit the forums and you can post your link to your site to get more visitors (or submit your link for Home page inclusion.. ) you can even post a whole blog post in the Forums if you want, it even has its own downloads section ..get the "sexy men wallpapers" or "Selteco Bannershop" (the button was made on that) or download from Rapidshare via links posted by other members
There are even Yahoo News, Blogging and 360 sections in the Forums
We welcome any thoughts you might have about our forum too, post here if you want or be very brave and do something that you may not have done before and post on a Forum ...just try it, it doesn't hurt to try.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Oh and I sometimes swear ...

I know I know , the template isn't right but at least its readable (except for links on the left)
I'll fix it later and TRY to fix the width as well just can't find where its going wide
I do my own templates will NOT buy them as I'm smart enough to make my own and even if I do stuff it up a little it doesn't matter as that is MY stuff up if I do it wrong I can fix it, I will not pay someone to do something that I can do myself

Oh you know what I think I've been blocked from a Word Press blog LoL I think its funny fucking hi blooody larious funny! If I have been blocked which it looks like I have ...what am I not good enough to read what you have to say??? LoL PMSL ...snootiness that's all that is. Oh well their loss not mine

That's one thing I will not do and that's suck up to people to make friends wont make out I'm better than anyone else, I tell it like it is don't like the truth you don't have to listen but I will tell you..... that's the way I am

Money, fame or a high IQ does not buy you happiness or friends it buys you leechers and that's all it gets you, most people are just themselves and most have nothing.

That is one thing that I am not and that is up myself sarcastic yes, straight to the point yes, forgetful yes, bad speller, terrible with grammar but I am never ever any better than anyone else!

Besides I was only reading the blog because the "person" happens to write very well even if she is slightly snooty she does write well and believe it or not I can be nice I was visiting and commenting to be nice not only to her but to others as well but hey who cares if I'm blocked from reading .....she wasn't all that good I've read better and can still read better blogs than hers

Sunday, October 7, 2007

been thinkin

I know shouldn't think rots your brain

Anyway been thinking that my Blogger template is boring sooooo I've been looking at a 3 column template got a couple to play with but knowing me I'll stuff up the lot or lose things like I did last time ..shouldn't start working on templates at 3am huh? Anyhoo hopefully it will be the same (have to keep the stars) but 3 columns , should make things easier to read down the sides as there is a tiny little bit of stuff there ..just a bit .
I'll have to do it on IE too as Blogger doesn't like Firefox I can edit modules but not move or make new ones, have the same problem on MySpace can't use the new profile editor not that it worries me I'm used to editing in HTML mode but if I use IE 1. I can't comment on Blogger blogs with the popup box for comments, 2. IE doesn't have a spell checker or an add blocker ...for some strange reason I typed ass blocker then (d is next to s )
I am a nut LoL

Oh spose you want the sites I got the templates from? arrgh umm whoops you gotta Google em up type in " 3 column blogger template " they have word press ones too

Oh anyone want 360 Angel ? The way Yahoo is going umm no you don't can't even give the dang ID away as its no good having it as a 360 tutorial page is it? No kidding though I've got lets see six 360 pages ..I think ?? The Dog, 360 Memorial, 360 Angel, The Budgie, Bloggers Anonymous, Missy A (original), Little Fairy and the one I've been using since December oh gawd that's 8 arrgh what the flip I need 8 for?? No wonder I forget to go on them one I totally forgot about and hadn't posted on since May
Ridiculous that is why couldn't 360 be like Blogger then I could have all of them on the one login ..think I've got 4 here too but one is his that I'm allowed to post on and the other is Tastebuds which others post on that's open btw if you want to contribute to that you can, just gotta add your email to the list I love that part about Blogger you can have an open contributors blog think you can on Word Press too must be able too as the Mash and Yahoo Messenger blogs are on Word Press and its different people posting every time
You know that says a lot doesn't it can anyone answer this question for me
Why are the Mash, Y Messenger, Yahoo Anecdotal and YMail blogs hosted on Word Press and not 360? There are more Yahoo blogs for basically everything(look at the blog roll on the Messenger blog) very few are on 360 what are Yahoo trying to say here ?

Think about that while I sleep its 2am here tomorrow (I hope if I get time) I will be playing with my template and you know the old saying "play with it too much it will fall off" just hope it doesn't

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Dana writes about her world all the time and as far as I am concerned she is Lakota brought up with the ways, learning the customs she is as fully Lakota as you can get but a certain anonymous poster on her blog is saying that she cannot possibly be as "Indian" as they are because she isn't full blood well I say rubbish to that
The amount of blood coursing through your veins of any particular race has nothing to do with it, its the culture that makes you who you are.
An Aboriginal living in the city who doesn't know the culture is less Aboriginal than another living and breathing the culture. The Aboriginal people were massacred and killed too, the children taken away in an effort by the government at the time to 'thin' out the blood there are many half blood Aboriginal people here but it doesn't make them any less Aboriginal than a full blood in fact depending on where they live how much they have learned about their culture and history possibly more. A city dweller wouldn't know the dances, how to collect food or the culture and rules of their own society as they have been brought up in a white culture.

I've become Australian now lived here for 34 years I'm no longer English don't ask me who the prime minister of England is , don't ask me to speak French either apart from hello as I can't but I do have very distant French ancestors
Don't call me a 'convict' because I'm not, not all Australian settlers where convicts some, like my relatives in Tasmania where free settlers (1880's) even though Tasmania was a penal colony my relatives were NOT convicts
and Dana is not any less Lakota because of the amount of blood in her veins its culture, community and surroundings that make you who you are not blood

Friday, October 5, 2007

New toy or am I a dork?

Look got a new toy only mines a bit bigger than the picture, not by much though it sure is small.
Been the last couple of hours working it out, songs were only playing the first 10 seconds and I've got to work out how to get it to play the next song by itself.
I think the battery is flat already LoL that's me though I seem to suck the life out of batteries

You want to know what I've got on it don't you?
Hows this for a list?
Abba - Eagle
Aerosmith -Make it
Anthrax- Caught in a Mosh
Armargeddon -The End
Avril Lavine -Take me away
Blondie -Heart of Glass
Brooke Hogan - Letting Go
Children of the Damned -Beast over Hammersmith
Dark Angel -The burning of Sodom
Dela Dela- Sacred Spirit Album
Dilana -Mother Mother
Don McClean - American Pie
Dragon -Rain
Enterprise theme
Gary Numan -Berserker
Godsmack -VooDoo
Marilyn Manson -Tainted Love
Martha and the Muffins - Echo beach
My Spirit Lives On -Sacred Spirit
Rose Tattoo - Calling
Silverchair - All across the world
Steve Earle- Copperhead Road
The Craving - The day the music died
The waitresses - I know what boys like
Toby Rand -Throw it Away
ZZ top - Francene
ZZ Top- Chrimson Witch

When I say I've got from ABBA to ZZ top I mean it !
Oh poo should have put this one on there too Helloweens version of Lay Your Love on me (ABBA) that's cool as that is heavy metal ABBA
can't find that one on YouTube but hows this one instead, not Helloween but more or less the same thing

AT VANCE - Money Money Money (Tribute To ABBA)

Hint:Press play then stop ..wait for load
I'll basically listen to anything as long as it isn't rap can't stand rap, its not singing its well rappping or talking to music

Anyway am I a dork or what got ABBA and Avril Lavine on my player I dunno though maybe Marilyn Manson counts as a point towards not being a dork??

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Yahoo News

Totally dry and boring news post

FTC Yawns At Yahoo, BlueLithium Deal

The Federal Trade Commission gave Yahoo's acquisition of ad network BlueLithium its stamp of approval.
A $300 million cash deal for BlueLithium by Yahoo whizzed past federal antitrust regulators. As they did for Microsoft's aQuantive buy, the FTC saw no antitrust concerns with Yahoo's deal.
Reuters cited the FTC list of approvals in noting the agency's approval. The deal had been announced in early September, and managed to get through the review process in barely a month.
Yahoo's purchase of BlueLithium gives them more tools to offer advertisers for performance marketing efforts. Performance marketing looks for conversions, which can be a straightforward sale, or another action completed by a customer.
Yahoo previously disclosed the appeal of performance marketing being related to the rapid growth of social media content. Performance marketing efforts may perform better than the typical cost per click or CPM models regularly used in many campaigns, due to the requirement of an action to complete the conversion.
Those actions provide a tangible benefit to the advertiser, even if it is a simple as adding a name to a mailing list and opting-in for further marketing messages. As such, they can be measured more easily, and beyond the original campaign that brought the visitor to the marketer.
Written by David A. Utter Web Pro News

Yahoo's Search Assistant and Universal Search

Yahoo is putting some extra heat on Google in the competition for best search engine.
Yahoo Assistant
They released a search assistant feature, which automatically expands related queries and info sometimes while you’re typing (or pausing your typing). For instance, when you enter blogging, the suggestions include “typepad blogging tools” or “make money blogging. “Some of the suggestions are also related to semi-recent news, which makes it more useful. I’m not sure if this box becomes annoying over time (as I’m no regular Yahoo user), but it runs very smoothly here.
Also, Yahoo now have their own flavor of “universal search"; for instance, video players directly embedded on web results (and not just as shortcut), e.g. for the query youtube founders, as well as even more Flickr imagery, like for the query cityscape.
Written by Philipp Lenssen Web Pro News

My Views-- $300 million?? for adds!! now that's just great, pretty soon all Yahoo will be is adds from top to bottom, Google by the way have just removed the pay-per-click advertising from Orkut possibly because no one uses Orkut but that's a different matter. Yahoo of course want to make money if they can't make money out of something they drop it eg: Y Photos it was too much hard work to upgrade and make money out of Y Photos so its buy Flickr and make money that way too bad if the customers don't want it or lose out that's the way Yahoo works. What they don't realise is that most don't use Yahoo search either so no money there. I don't as Google is better always has been and its doesn't have any adds, neither does most of Yahoo when you use Firefox (Yahoo don't get a cent from me )
A lot of people are leaving Yahoo and its mixed up "mash" of services that possibly %90 of Yahoo users don't even know about never mind use (did you know Yahoo owns MyBlogLog now?) Do you use the Yahoo briefcase? Or Y Answers ? Most just use mail, 360 and or Flickr a LOT used Y Photos in fact most did, the normal non-360 profile images where hosted on Y Photos now it's impossible to upload an image to a non-360 profile but what can you do Yahoo wasn't making money out of Y Photos and unless the advertising appears on the new Mash profiles they won't make a profit there either

It all comes down to the almighty $$$ in the end

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oh you think so do you?

I was going to do something , yeah write something but can't remember what now
ended up making this instead takes me ages to do these ya know actually no it don't takes longer to upload and host than make LoL

The rate my pages are loading its going to take an hour fffs load faster will ya
anyway while that's loading lets see if I can remember what it was toffy people I think, you know the ones who think they are better than you because they have money and you don't or they think they are more intelligent than you but they aren't. I can't stand those kind of people (in posh queen type voice) "I am better than you dear, I am hyperconstabularitatarianary more intelligent than you because I can use big words that you can not understand"
Yes I made that word up hyper-constabulary-antarianism isn't a word neither are those people any better than you or me they just think they are and this is why they get annoyed, peeved, taken aback when you can pose a better argument or voice your opinion in an intelligent way because well they are the intelligent ones aren't they, a larger IQ, more money and well they are better than you aren't they
Well they ain't any better than me or you, only pedestal they are on is one of their own making and I say to them "guess what you nose is so high in the air I can clearly see your snot"

Anyway here's the image I was uploading

its my daughter I used her MySpace images to make her an animated avatar.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


What do you say to this? True or not?

My score on The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test:

5 - the Observer

I chose BZ - My Enneagram type is FIVE (aka "The Thinker").

"I need to understand the world"

Observers have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical,
and insightful.

How to Get Along with Me
Be independent, not clingy.
Speak in a straightforward and brief manner.
I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts.
Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that
I am feeling uncomfortable.
Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your
If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because
it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place.
don't come on like a bulldozer.
Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music,
overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy.

What I Like About Being a FIVE
standing back and viewing life objectively
coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects
my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure
not being caught up in material possessions and status
being calm in a crisis

What's Hard About Being a FIVE
being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world
feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all
being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be
watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or
technical skill, do better professionally

FIVEs as Children Often

spend a lot of time alone reading, making collections, and so on
have a few special friends rather than many
are very bright and curious and do well in school
have independent minds and often question their parents and teachers
watch events from a detached point of view, gathering information
assume a poker face in order not to look afraid
are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict
feel intruded upon and controlled and/or ignored and neglected

FIVEs as Parents

are often kind, perceptive, and devoted
are sometimes authoritarian and demanding
may expect more intellectual achievement than is developmentally appropriate
may be intolerant of their children expressing strong emotions

The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People

Link: The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test

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