Sunday, May 20, 2007


I would like to introduce to you this new bloggger click here he's new I'm helping him and we had a devil of a time getting blogger to let him sign in on his computer he had to get Firefox to be able to sign in it's something on his computer thats blocking him signing in on IE
Can't for the life of me work out what it is, his firewall I susect.

Anyway he's only going to do music on his blogger thats what he does he finds downloads and music hopefully with an Imeem player as well so you can listen to at least one track before you download I might have to pop into it and put the players in though.
Brilliant thing that you can give someone else access to your blog here on Blogger and they can post as well as you, so his blog is on my dashboard now which means I can help him out easier can't edit anything on the template but I can post and edit blogs for him

All of his music will be a rar. file not winzip so if you don't have win.rar I would get it, it's like winzip only a win.rar file can hold more and win.rar can open more zipped files than winzip can XP and Vista come with an unzipper but its not as good as win.rar besides win.rar has penguins.
It's on my downloads page on my website along with other things like the animators I use.

Anyway speaking of him who is sleeping at the moment otherwize I wouldn't be able to write this, he's sleeping ok so I go to take a shower and the smoke alarm is in the passageway next to the bathroom door and the steam from the shower sets it off so I'm running around dripping wet, naked of course grabbing for the broom to poke the dang thing to shut it off and you know he never even moved bad if we have a fire and he's asleep he really would be dead then.
When we lived in that tiny flat the guy next door was deaf ( he still is) his smoke alarm has a light on it as well, no kidding though that snoring man in our bedroom would need half an earthquake to wake him up, alarm clocks, dog barking or the dang smoke alarm nothing wakes him up yet if the phone rings he wakes up, not enough to answer it mind you allways me that answers it unless I'm asleep as well then it can ring out .. he's waiting for me to answer it I swear.
One day I'll set up an answering thing on the computers then I won't have to answer the dang phone wait then he won't wake up at all .. no scratch that one

So go and visit his page and when he wakes up he will get a little suprise hehehehe

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