Monday, May 28, 2007

Want to be confused?-- 28 May 2007

28 May 2007

09:39 PM - Want to be confused?

This is like Days of Our Lives this is or Young and the Restless
Adrian is the youngest of five boys
Now his older brother has never married, he's the one who lost part of his leg to diabeties and looks after dad
The second oldest married late and his wife allready had a daughter who now has a 2 year old of her own
The third and fourth now this is the confusing part not sure on this myself but anyway I'll try to explain
We will call them M & G , M is the third or middle boy and G was the baby before Adrian was born and never took well to a new baby brother but that's another story entirely.
Anyway M married a woman called J and he is the father to two of her kids, but J moved in with G after a while and had another two kids by him
So the kids are brother and sister but also their own cousins
All in all theres 8 kids in total to the two brothers but to different women...I think
The oldest is 19 this year the youngest 8, I think most of them are G's, well it is a bit hard to tell they all look alike
Sometimes they will be with thier mother somtimes with G sometimes with M it's so confusing and I've never been able to work out which one is which

I don't mind M he's fairly even keel he is, works hard but he does let the kids push him around the old "If you don't let me do what I want I'll go live with xxxxx" depending on the mood sometimes its mum sometimes G, see I think he's a little scared of being alone so he lets the kids basically run rings around him it was the older four that drove the mother of the youngest boy away (she's a bit snoooty anyway)
But G uggh you know he's about the only guy that I could punch right in the face allmost did one day, of course most of that behaivour is because he got ousted from the "baby" spot, so he is like "thats mine and thats mine and THATS mine!"
Arrogant he is, he's just married a woman from Vietnam or some place she's only 25 years old as well, we will see what happens with that because I know those kids umm his brothers kids yeah those
See they haven't ever got punished for anything because they allways had "if you do that I'll leave and go to xxx" and they do as well.
Problem is that one place isn't any better than the other they shoot backwards and forwards kids will push you I know that got two of my own had housefulls of teenage boys and girls, girls are worse though the boys just sit and play Playstation all day, except for the broken nose incident his fault he ran straight into the glass door but the girls arggh well ok not the girls but the big sisters you know this great big teenage girl just barged through by front door one night no knock or nothing, just came straight in goes out to the back of the house to the rumpus room and starts yelling at her sister to come home so anyway she got yelled at by me, never saw her again yeah I'm a big bully but you have to be she was old enough to be adult about things and you just don't do that.
Wasn't my kid I could yell at her, problem is when the kid in question has got ammo on you eg: the X the first thing they are going to say is mum/dad yelled at me for no reason waaaaa , we have all heard that one now me I'm like yup, yup no reason yeah suuuuuuurrrrrre because I know what kids are like they will play one on the other just to see the reaction. Yeah sure the X may be a totall utter nut job (I know mine is) but I know kids as well and they do it to granmas too, they know exactly how far they can push mum and how far to push granma to get something and how far to push dad ..pity we don't have stairs ..whoops did I say that ... don't read that bit

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